Saturday, July 16, 2016


Warning . . . Random Post

Have you ever gone through the photos on your phone only to find several "selfies" that are not of yourself? I am constantly finding different apps mysteriously appearing on my phone. Each of these apps, of course, comes with several different push notifications that post to my Facebook. These notifications are sweetly inviting all my friends to join this world or that. They are demanding that I come feed my pet dragons or some other imaginary creature. Hardly a day goes by that I don't get a notification to attend to something that one of my sneaky kiddos created.

It has now become a weekly ritual for me to conduct some cleanup of my phone. This week I thought I would share some of the selfies that appeared on my phone.

Devin as a pilot from a downed
Noah with hearts in his eyes

Noah enjoying a faux spa day.

Devin straight buggin' out.

These images have been brought to you by my 7 year old twins. This is what happens when my phone disappears randomly throughout the day. I love that they are expressing their creative freedoms, I hate that I have had to invest in cloud storage to save all this comedy. Thank you Apple for adding the MSQRD app, it has given me another reason to literally "LOL"!

Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion!

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