Saturday, August 6, 2016

Brooks GTS

I am not a professional runner. I run to relax and let go of the stress that I carry around. I probably don't pay enough attention to my form or the amount of miles that I put on my shoes. I am here to tell you, that no matter if you are a pro or a beginner, it is imperative to track the miles that you put on your shoes and pay attention to your body.

Last week I was out on a fairly short run. I was doing 5 miles and then finishing up with some strides. Nothing that should break my back. I woke up the next morning and my lower back was in excruciating pain. I figured it was because I was not sleeping in my bed, I was on vacation after all. 

I rolled out of bed, got some coffee, popped two Aleve and got ready to head out on a long run. Eventually the pain subsided and I found my rhythm. The next morning I awoke with the same issues. I decided to take it easy. 

I happened to be scrolling through some of the old pictures on my phone when I came across one of me finishing the Marine Corps Marathon. Imagine my surprise when I glanced down at my feet and saw my beloved Brooks GTS running shoes. The very shoes I had on my feet the previous day. Just to give you a gauge on the age of my shoes, the Marine Corps Marathon was last Fall, we are now well into August. I had run a Marathon, several half marathons, and countless training runs in my Brooks. I could have kicked myself!

It was definitely time to update my shoes. There is no magic number out there that will tell you the exact time to change shoes. What is important is tracking your runs and noting how your body feels after a run. Don't ignore body. It will tell when it is time.

So out I went to the nearest running store and got an update. The next day I set out on another 5 miles and felt AMAZING. I also started using an app on my phone called Run Keeper. There is a paid and free version that you can download on your phone. It tracks your mileage and allows you to note how you are feeling on particular days. You can also keep track of the weather, routes, and elevation. I have found it very useful. It will also give you updates every 5 minutes about your average pace and current pace while you are running.

Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Going Home

For the last three weeks my kiddos and I have been enjoying the Northwest. We have spent the majority of our time in Washington State and Idaho. Washington State is the place I like to call my forever home. 

Being a military family, my kids have lived all over country. In my heart our true home is the place where I spent my childhood. It is always bittersweet when we come to visit. We spend so much time visiting family and friends and making new memories. 

Today was the day that I had to say "Till next time". I hate saying good bye. My eyes are always overflowing with tears. I am like a faucet that someone forgot to turn off. My kids understand and hold my hands as we make our way through the airport. 

We have to keep moving though, I know one day we will come home to stay.

To Run or Not To Run

Of course the answer is always to run. Running is free and anyone can do it. All you need is the will to get out there and hit the pavement. 

Prior to hitting the pavement, special care should be paid to what you are putting on your feet. Your feet will be taking the brunt of the impact, and if you are not properly equipped then you may experience unnecessary aches and pains. 

If you have the ability, I would suggest going to a local running store that has the capabilities to properly fit you for running shoes. Reputable stores will take the time to put you on a treadmill and video tape your stride as you run. They will analyze the impact of your foot and correct any problem areas you have. In the end you will leave the store with your perfect match. 

If you are in the New York City area, you can head over to one of the Jack Rabbit stores. The workers there will take the time to ensure that you leave with the shoe that is best suited for you.

The other option is to continue reading this post and I will share some vital information that will be useful when you embark on your shoe journey.

Before going out to find your new kicks, you should determine your foot type and how you pronate. Pronation is the way your foot rolls when you walk or run.  This is something simple that can be done at home without the help of a professional. All you need is a wet foot and a dry surface. This is called a wet foot test. You simply wet your feet and then walk across a dry flat surface. You will be left with an impression of your foot. This will assist you greatly in determining the type of shoe that is best suited for you.

This is an example of neutral pronation. This means that the outside of the heel makes contact first, then rolls inward as it comes into complete contact with the ground. This  basically tells you that you can support your body weight without any issues. The way your foot rolls allows for the weight of your body to be evenly distributed, you hit the ground, roll, and then push off evenly from the ground. gives a list of some of the best neutral running shoes for 2016. A stability shoe will best fit the needs of a neutral runner.

This foot impression is an example of an over-pronator. This type of pronator begins similarly to a neutral runner, but the foot rolls inward more than a neutral runner. Ideally you don't want the foot to roll inward any more than 15%, an over-pronator rolls more than that magic number. This causes a problem because the foot and ankle struggle to stabilize the body and the big toe and second toe are forced to absorb the brunt of the work in pushing off the ground. provides you with some of the best types of shoes for an over-pronator. An over-pronator will want a motion control shoe.

Lastly we have the under-pronator or the supinator. This is basically the opposite of the over-pronator. You can clearly see a large difference in the two images. Instead of rolling at 15%, the foot rolls less than that magic number. The smaller toes are forced to do the work of pushing off. The impact is concentrated on a smaller portion of the foot. can further assist you in your search for shoes to suit this style of running. You will be looking for shoes that fall in the cushioning category.

There are so many different sites and resources out there for runners. Whether you are just beginning to run or have been doing it for years, there is always something new you can learn. will even break down the anatomy of a running shoe. From soles to punch holes, this site will explain the ins and outs of a shoe. is another great resource. Once you have conducted the wet foot test, you can use this information and go to this site, and fill in a checklist with other pertinent information. You will then be given a list of shoes that will be great for you and your running style. 

You have now down the research and have narrowed down your shoe search. My final piece of advice for you would be to purchase your shoes and test them out. My secret for you is to utilize a store that allows you to try your shoes out and exchange them if need be. is an amazing site that lets you do just that. For a small fee you can join their VIP program. Not only does this program give you discounts on all the merchandise offered on their site, but you also get a 90 day trial program. You can literally buy your shoes try them out for 90 days, if they don't work out for you, you can send them back and exchange them. Shipping is free either way!

To run or not to run . . . I will always say run! Running does not discriminate, the open road welcomes all. It doesn't matter if your big or small, old or young, running is for everyone. 

Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Life Change

My life has taken several unexpected twists and turns due to being a mother and a Marine. Many things that have happened have been beyond my control because of the nature of the military. 2012 was a year where I was able to take my career into my own hands.

In early 2012 I was sent to Career Course in Quantico, Virginia. My twins were two and I had never really been away from them. I was nervous about going to this course because I had struggled with returning to my pre-baby shape and fitness levels. Any woman who has been a Marine will understand the struggle. Career Course is a requirement in the Marine Corps, especially if you want to be competitive for promotion.

Me and 3 of my boys.

I swallowed my fears, went down to Quantico and excelled. I met some pretty amazing peers in the process, one in particular that would change the course of my Marine Corps path. The Marine that I met was a former Drill Instructor. I had always had this secret dream about returning to Parris Island to make Marines, but being a mom to five kiddos in my mind made this dream untouchable. I made a half-hearted attempt one time, and emailed my monitor and asked if this path would be a possibility. He told me no due to the critical nature of my job. 
I told my friend about my previous attempts, he encouraged me to keep trying and not to give up so easily. Every day I saw him in class and everyday he would ask me, "Well?" Finally, the last week of the two month course I made my decision.

I went to visit my monitor. A monitor is a Marine who oversees Marines and places them around the world according to their Military Occupational Specialty or Job. All monitors are based in Quantico. This was fortunate for me. After being denied on my first attempt, I went straight to the source and planted myself down in his cubicle. Apparently he was out to lunch. I was told that he would be back within a half-hour. No problem, I decided to wait. This was my secret dream after all. 

I watched the first hour pass, I dug my heels in and three hours later he returned. He walked in, looked at me and said, "What do you want?" I said, "I emailed you a year ago and asked if I could be released to become a Drill Instructor. You said no, but here I am and I still want to be a Drill Instructor!" In my mind's eye I hoped he would admire my tenacity and let me live my dream. He sighed, sat down, and said, "OK." That day changed the path of my life forever.

I would no longer be just another Marine. I would get the chance to become one of the elite. One of only a few who get the chance to attend the premiere school of leadership in the Marine Corps. I would have the opportunity to forge the future of the United States Marine Corps. 

My Drill Instructor School Photo.

I went to Drill Instructor School 8 months later. I graduated as an Honor Graduate and the class Iron Woman. Being named the class Iron Woman (the most physically fit) was a huge accomplishment for me because I was the oldest woman there at 32, and also a mom. As I mentioned in the beginning of this post how I had struggled to return to my former self physically, well I worked and pushed myself everyday to become a better version of me.

DI School Graduation Day.

 The years I spent as a Drill Instructor were the hardest and most rewarding part of my career as a Marine. I would never trade the experiences I had or the friends I made for anything in the world. I would never have been able to do what I did without the support of my husband and my kiddos. They were there with me every step of the way.

Me flexing as a greenbelt DI.

Encouraging recruits.

Graduating my platoon as a Senior Drill Instructor.

I wanted the chance to make a difference in the Corps. I wanted to have the opportunity to impact young women on their journey to becoming Marines and teach them to live the best version of their lives. Life is what you make it, only you limit you.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Dirty is the Funniest Number

I wish I had written down all the funny things that my kids have said over the years. Each of them has come into the world with a unique personality and sense of humor. There has been no shortage of laughter in my life since they came into my life.

When Emmanuel was 3 years old I told him that I was going to make grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. He looked at me and declared, "Mom, I don't want a GIRL cheese sandwich, I want a BOY cheese sandwich!" I laughed so hard that day I just about cried. He was so serious in his demand, and that made it all the cuter.

Skye was about 6 years old when she came up to me and begged, "Mom can we please get a pimple?" I said a what? She said,  "A baby pimple, they're so cute!" She continued describing all the reasons she wanted a baby pimple, I finally realized that she wanted a baby pit-bull puppy.

I have about a million of these cute little anecdotes. My last one for today is another about Emmanuel. I can't quite remember how old he was when he came up to me and said, "Mom, do you know what the funniest number is?" I, of course, began throwing my guesses out. He finally ended the mystery when he said, "No! Dirty is the funniest number!" He was laughing so hard at this point, I couldn't help but join in! He thought that you pronounced 30 as dirty.

If I could give any parent some advice, it would be to write down these little memories because they are priceless!  

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Operation Paddle Board

For the longest time I have wanted to try stand-up paddle boarding. I longed to glide peacefully down a river, just enjoying silence and solitude. There is also the added perk of getting in some physical training. 

Today I finally got my chance! My kiddos and I traveled into Idaho this morning to enjoy the great outdoors. I found a local spot in Sandpoint, Idaho that was finally able to make my dreams come into fruition. Action Water Sports answered our call. 

Me and my niece Hazael.

I was able to rent the paddle board for a reasonable rate and everyone got a chance to go for a ride. 

Emmanuel mastering the waters.

 My older kiddos were able to navigate the waters on their own and I took each of the littles out for a spin.

 We had an awesome day on Priest River!
Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

She's 2 and I Don't Know What to Do!

So there I was, clear across the country, all alone with my 2 year old niece. Her hair was every which way on top of her head and I was charged with the task of making her beautiful.

My niece Hazael.

This should be a simple task for me. I am after all a mom of 5, but my daughter is now 14. She hasn't let me touch her hair since she was 9. I literally felt as though I had just woken up out of a coma and had to learn to walk all over again. 

Me and my daughter with the twins.

My Guys

I finally gave up and asked my sister to give me a "How to do Pig-Tails on a 2 Year old" Tutorial.


1) Corral toddler and comb hair.

2) While holding toddler still with your knees, make an even part with comb down the center of her head.

3) Comb into a pony and secure first tail with a rubber band.

4) Repeat on the other side.

5) If all goes according to plan, you will end up with two perfect little pig tails.

And one happy little girl! Now off to the park!

Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion!

Saturday, July 16, 2016


Warning . . . Random Post

Have you ever gone through the photos on your phone only to find several "selfies" that are not of yourself? I am constantly finding different apps mysteriously appearing on my phone. Each of these apps, of course, comes with several different push notifications that post to my Facebook. These notifications are sweetly inviting all my friends to join this world or that. They are demanding that I come feed my pet dragons or some other imaginary creature. Hardly a day goes by that I don't get a notification to attend to something that one of my sneaky kiddos created.

It has now become a weekly ritual for me to conduct some cleanup of my phone. This week I thought I would share some of the selfies that appeared on my phone.

Devin as a pilot from a downed
Noah with hearts in his eyes

Noah enjoying a faux spa day.

Devin straight buggin' out.

These images have been brought to you by my 7 year old twins. This is what happens when my phone disappears randomly throughout the day. I love that they are expressing their creative freedoms, I hate that I have had to invest in cloud storage to save all this comedy. Thank you Apple for adding the MSQRD app, it has given me another reason to literally "LOL"!

Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion!

Friday, July 15, 2016

The Champ is Here

It has always been my goal to surround my kids with positive role models. I want them to see and experience the passion and success of hardworking people. I want them to understand that sometimes you have to work hard to get what you want.

My boys are aspiring mixed martial artists. I have written a previous post that details my feelings regarding MMA. I recently got the opportunity to talk frankly with a very successful mixed martial artist.

Julio Arce celebrating his victory in the Ring of Combat.

Julio Arce is a 26 year old from Queens, New York. He has a professional fighting record of 8 wins and 2 losses as a bantam weight. He is currently training for his debut in the Cage Fury Fighting Championships in Atlantic City on August 6th. Not only is he 100% dedicated to his career as a mixed martial artist, he also instructs children and adults in mixed martial arts six days a week. He recently took time out of his busy schedule to talk with me.

Julio, better known as Sensei by his students, began training in mixed martial arts at the age of 13. When asked why he started MMA, he said, 

"I was a chubby kid who did nothing but sit around and play video games. I tried other activities but nothing really interested me and I wasn't motivated." 

His sister brought him to Tiger Schulmann, and this was the moment when things started to change. I asked what inspired him to continue to push to the next level? 

"Throughout my training I went from a 200 pound kid with rolls of fat to six pack abs, shredded. At the same time I loved training because it's a sport or art that you can't cheat yourself in. You have to train hard to sharpen techniques you learn . . . it's just hard work and discipline. Martial Arts is a vehicle to develop the human potential. I love it!"

It's hard not to be inspired by the passion that this man exudes for his sport. He was able to transform himself from a 200 pound kid at 5'7", to a 135 pound powerhouse who has quickly made a name for himself in the world of MMA.

Sensei Arce began teaching MMA at the age of 15. "I wanted to teach martial arts because I love martial arts." He continues, "For a young kid it's easy to call it quits when something gets tough. I teach them that even it seems tough, keep pushing yourself." These are lessons all students learn from their Sensei. Sensei Arce loves watching the transformations that take place in his students.

The last question that I had for Sensei Arce was, "What are the most important lessons that you have learned from MMA and how do you pass those lessons on to your students?"

"To never give up. That hard work and discipline will guarantee you success. When you know how to defend yourself, you will carry yourself in a more confident way. You will learn to lead, be humble, and respectful of others. If you train in martial arts . . . you just know that you are a badass!"

Julio Arce was a pleasure to interview. His passion for life and what he does is contagious. From the moment he steps on the mat you can see the way the children's eyes light up. He is more than their Sensei, he is their role model. He inspires the fight in all of his students. I wish him nothing but the best and continued success in his MMA career!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Multiple Momstrocity

I love reading blogs by other moms. I especially love reading blogs by moms of multiples. I love hearing about the trials and tribulations of moms that are in the same plight as myself. I recently happened upon a blog by a mom in Toronto called Multiple Momstrocity . The clever name is what drew me in. I can definitely identify with someone who is mothering multiple little monsters. 

The post that I read was a review of Finding Dory. This was helpful to me on so many levels. It is one thing to go online and read the latest movie review from someone who goes and watches films sans children. Yes the review will give a thorough analysis of the film, but what it won't do is tell you how well children will sit through it. Of course, every child is different. However, I can surely appreciate a well articulated review done by a mother who has sat through several children's films with multiples. In her review, she talks about the best and worst aspects of the film, as well as what the parents will find enjoyable. In short, after reading her review I will be taking my tribe to view Finding Dory. 

I commented on Momstrocity's blog and let her know how much I appreciated and enjoyed her review. To my great surprise she immediately responded and thanked me. I included the link to my blog in my comment in hopes that I can garner another kindred spirit in this blogosphere.

Thanks for stopping by today and remember . . . a body in motion stays in motion!

Thursday, July 7, 2016


A few posts ago I was discussing some information that I found on Wikipedia regarding Marine Corps Drill Instructors. In my post, I included the original entry on Wikipedia as well as my new and improved entry that I altered. 

Just for fun I decided to get back on Wikipedia to see if any alterations had been made to my entry. To my surprise there was one small adjustment made to my writing. My sentence read:
As a Drill Instructor, you are directly involved in shaping the future of the United States Marine Corps.
The edited post read:
 A Drill Instructor is directly involved in shaping the future of the United States Marine Corps.

The change was minute. I imagine whoever edited the post did so because you are not talking to an individual who is already a Drill Instructor; you are describing the responsibilities of the position. The correction makes sense and reads better. I am pleased to see that the rest of my writing has survived to see another day.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Beach Blanket Bingo

My kids love the water. I swear they were all born with gills and fins. Pair these attributes with a fearless personality and you have a recipe for disaster. 

Going to the beach is always a scary situation for me. I am always up to my knees in the water counting heads to make sure everyone is OK. My kids are always telling me to relax, but my attempts at relaxation are always in vain. 

My anxieties don't stop us though. It's on to the beach we go. Of course, I always pack my beach essentials, my earlier post details items that I won't leave home without! put out a list of the best beaches for families around NYC. I have decided to summarize my favorites and share this information with you. 

  • Coney Island. Located in Brooklyn. You can hit the beach, some carnival rides, the aquarium, Nathan's hotdogs and people watch all in one day. There's never a dull moment here!
  •  Jacob Riis Park Beach. Great for the kiddos who love airplanes. This beach is out towards the JFK approach, so they can watch the planes go by. TimeOut recommends packing a lunch and settling in for the day. I love getting here early with the kids, it's nice and quiet.
  • Jones Beach. Miles of beach to take advantage, but it is best to get there early to ensure you get prime parking. Jones Beach also has a pool that is inexpensive if you want to get out of the salt water. I also suggest packing a lunch as the lines can be long for the vendors.
  • Manhattan Beach. Less crowded than Brighton Beach, but located on the same peninsula. This beach offers access to beach volleyball, handball courts, and a pirate ship play area. 

There a many more beaches that NYC has to offer. These are a few of my favorite haunts. For more information make sure you head on over to TimeOut.

Remember, a body in motion  . . . stays in motion!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Only in . . .

Each State in this country is unique and has so much to offer in the way of history and activities. No person could see and do everything in their lifetime. I am from Washington State, I thought I knew everything about my state. I have read books about it, I have traveled it, but I have not seen or learned everything. There is so much I still have not seen and learned about. Every corner of my state is full of hidden gems to explore and discover. 

Many, if not all of us are on Facebook. One thing I can appreciate is the different little blurbs and sites that popup from time to time on my feed. The other day I came across a link called Only in Your State. I liked the feed and put in my state, and now I get links to different things about Washington State from time to time. From historic hidden gateways to the best local mom and pop diners. This site has opened my eyes to all sorts of new information. 

12 Marvels in Washington that Must Be Seen To Be Believed

These 10 Hidden Gems in Washington Hold Historic Keys to the Past

Information is also given about historic occurrences, ghost towns, and the best places to stay to Washington. So much is offered, I have never seen the same post twice. The best part about this page is that you can input any state into the site and learn all kinds of new information about your state. 

This site is sure to get you out of the house and exploring. You could surely see and do something different every day this summer.

Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Run Faster!

I have to admit that I am a running geek! I love all things about running. Whenever I race I get so inspired. Anyone can run, the open road turns no person away. I get a rush from all the well wishers standing along the side of the road holding up signs of inspiration and cheering the runners along. I love the feeling of accomplishment whenever I cross the finish line. 
I found a video the other day that made my heart swell. It shows a father and his young daughter making history together. The father-daughter duo broke the Guinness world record for the fastest stroller half marathon. Together they finished in 1:11:27, breaking the previous record of 1:13:50. Calum Neff, the father, ran a pace of 5:27 per mile and finished almost 6 minutes before the next runner.

This dad sets an amazing example for his family and others that happen across his video. The open road welcomes all and will never quit on you. If you want it, all you have to do is get out there and take it!

Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Don't Read Little Red Riding Hood

Guns in the United States are a topic of extreme controversy. The amount of mass shootings that have taken place as of late are both sad and frustrating. Everyone is looking for a place to point the finger, everyone is hoping for an effective solution. 

People don't want to give up their right to protect themselves. On the same note they don't want to continue to see lives needlessly taken. It is a sad day when we can't come together and find compromise.

I happened upon an image recently that I found disturbing. 

This image was produced along with a series of others by a nonprofit group called Moms Demand Action. Each image was showcasing a child holding an item that had been outlawed in the United States next to a child holding an assault rifle. The image is shocking. To see a young child holding a weapon of that magnitude is surreal, something that I would never hope to see in reality. To see something as mundane as Little Red Riding Hood banned from schools is equally as shocking. 

The book was banned in two California school districts because the basket that Red was carrying contained a bottle of wine. Whoa! Stop the presses! A classic childhood fairy tale can be banned because of an illustration, but an assault weapon can continue to be sold to civilians even though every mass shooting we have seen grace the news has been at the mercy of an assault rifle. 

As I have mentioned, I am member of the United States Marine Corps. I fully understand the rights afforded to me by the Constitution of the United States. I am not asking for the right to bear arms to be taken away from us. However, I can firmly say that no civilian has a need to own an assault rifle. They are not necessary for hunting or protecting our homes. Assault rifles are weapons of war. We do not need them in our homes. 

As Moms Demand Action have stated, "It's time for gun sense in America!"

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Schools Out For Summer

The school year is about to be over. The day has finally come. My kids have been anxiously awaiting the last day of school since the first day of school. Now it is up to me to entertain them for the next two months!

The thought of facing an entire summer without a plan is sure to make any mom quiver in her flipflops. But, this is New York City and the world is our oyster. I can surely fill their days with plenty of education, movement, and Italian ices. 

Mission 1, Day 1: Italian Ice!

An Italian Ice is not a snow cone. Although it does have some similarities. Italian ice is made in a similar process to ice cream. The ingredients are mixed together and frozen like ice cream. It is similar to sorbet. Italian ice does not have any eggs or dairy which makes it a great treat for kiddos with allergies or sensitivities to dairy.
The history of this delightful desert is not exactly clear. The Arabs, Sicilians, Europeans, Turkish, Chinese, French, and Spanish all claim to be the creators. They are all probably right in some shape or form. Each may have developed it in their own country, sadly we will never know who we can actually give the gold star to. What we do know is that it is an international dessert, enjoyed the world over. The classic ingredients remain the same, however, flavors and textures differ.

The Italian ice can offer more than just sweet relief. It has also been used to cleanse the palate between meals. The most popular use for the Italian ice is simple, it just cools you off on those hot summer days.

Our Favorite Place

So, tomorrow on the last day of school it will be a balmy 79 degrees. We will surely spend the afternoon in our local park, it is my plan to get the kids moving and walk over to our favorite local ice spot Pesso's. The menu is extensive and always changing and they offer a frequent buyer punch card. 

Although I am sure we will make several pilgrimages to our favorite spot this summer, we will also be attempting to make our own. The combinations are endless and it really is easy. This will give my kiddos a new appreciation for their own talents and creativity. I have included this "e-how" video that gives a simple recipe for a delicious dessert. What is great about creating your own dessert is that you control what goes in. You can adjust the amount of sugar that is added, or opt for sugar free juice concentrate. Let your kids have some creative freedom this summer and see what they come up with.

Once the ice's have been eaten, get them back outside to enjoy the summer.

Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion!

You Are What You Eat: 10 Foods Not to Feed Your Kids

Getting your kids up and moving is only half the battle. If you want to teach them to live a healthy lifestyle, then you have to teach them how to eat. They must understand the importance of what goes into their bodies and how it affects them. Am I saying never treat them? Absolutely not, moderation is key. But, if you teach them young about all the amazing goodness that is out there, then they will grow to make healthy positive choices.

I am always searching the web and reading about do's and don'ts and eat this and not that posts and articles. I recently came across an article in Newsweek that offered some information that I thought would be useful to share. I am basing this list from the information that I found in Newsweek, however, I will also be discussing each item further and providing links to further your education. Without further ado, 
10 Foods Not to Feed Your Kids
  1.  Apple Juice. This may come across as a surprise, but apple juice is laden with sugar. This is a popular drink among children. Parents buy it because it comes in box form and it is easy to pop a straw in, and hey it comes from apples so it must be good. Not so much. A juice box can contain up to 160 calories most of this coming from fructose. When kids drink apple juice, they are missing out on the fiber that they would usually get from just eating an apple.
  2.  Honey. Most parents are aware that honey should not be given to children under a year old. However, Wesley Delbridge, a registered dietitian and spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Deietics who specializes in children's nutrition, recommends that you wait until at least 2. Honey can contain a toxic bacteria known as botulism. This bacteria can be deadly. Adults have an immune system that has been built up enough to combat the bacteria, but children 2 and under do not have these same tolerances. 
  3.  Soda. No kidding right, but it is best to reiterate this fact. Soda can contain upwards of 60 grams of sugar. This is horrible for the body on all levels. Kids do not need these empty calories.
  4.  Boxed Mac and Cheese. I know, this is every parent's go to on hectic days, but it is loaded with highly processed ingredients, full of sodium, and completely lacking in any nutritional value. It's best to let this favorite go and opt for a healthier homemade version. This way you know what you are putting in their bodies. Jessica Seinfeld, has a recipe that sneaks in butternut squash and cauliflower puree.
  5.  Fruit Snacks. Not a snack, just candy. These little gummies are also full of sugar. Opt for dried fruit if you want to give the kiddos a chewy healthy snack.
  6.  Canned Tuna. No tuna is not all bad. It does provide vitamins and minerals, but, it should be eaten sparingly. The mercury content in tuna can be high, and if eaten everyday this can be damaging to young nervous systems.  
  7.  Granola Bars. These too are full of sugar. What is important is to be vigilant and read the ingredients. There are healthier versions out there. 
  8.  Sports Drinks. Unless your child is involved in some intense hour long workout, there is no need to give them a sugary sports drink. Give them water instead.
  9.  Flash-Fried Frozen Foods. When something is flash-fried, it is done so to make the batter stick. This keeps the fat and calorie content very high. Not to mention that because these foods are processed they are full of sodium and preservatives. Yes, healthier versions are being produced, but if you must serve them to your kids, do so sparingly.
  10.  Raw Milk. Milk that hasn't been pasteurized can cause food borne illnesses. This is another case where children's immune systems are not as developed and cannot combat potential threats as well as adult immune systems.

There are always healthier alternatives out there. The web offers a plethora of easy alternatives that will make both you and your children happy. The important thing is that you are teaching them to make healthy choices. Keep their bodies healthy and you will keep them moving. Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion!