Sunday, June 26, 2016

You Are What You Eat: 10 Foods Not to Feed Your Kids

Getting your kids up and moving is only half the battle. If you want to teach them to live a healthy lifestyle, then you have to teach them how to eat. They must understand the importance of what goes into their bodies and how it affects them. Am I saying never treat them? Absolutely not, moderation is key. But, if you teach them young about all the amazing goodness that is out there, then they will grow to make healthy positive choices.

I am always searching the web and reading about do's and don'ts and eat this and not that posts and articles. I recently came across an article in Newsweek that offered some information that I thought would be useful to share. I am basing this list from the information that I found in Newsweek, however, I will also be discussing each item further and providing links to further your education. Without further ado, 
10 Foods Not to Feed Your Kids
  1.  Apple Juice. This may come across as a surprise, but apple juice is laden with sugar. This is a popular drink among children. Parents buy it because it comes in box form and it is easy to pop a straw in, and hey it comes from apples so it must be good. Not so much. A juice box can contain up to 160 calories most of this coming from fructose. When kids drink apple juice, they are missing out on the fiber that they would usually get from just eating an apple.
  2.  Honey. Most parents are aware that honey should not be given to children under a year old. However, Wesley Delbridge, a registered dietitian and spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Deietics who specializes in children's nutrition, recommends that you wait until at least 2. Honey can contain a toxic bacteria known as botulism. This bacteria can be deadly. Adults have an immune system that has been built up enough to combat the bacteria, but children 2 and under do not have these same tolerances. 
  3.  Soda. No kidding right, but it is best to reiterate this fact. Soda can contain upwards of 60 grams of sugar. This is horrible for the body on all levels. Kids do not need these empty calories.
  4.  Boxed Mac and Cheese. I know, this is every parent's go to on hectic days, but it is loaded with highly processed ingredients, full of sodium, and completely lacking in any nutritional value. It's best to let this favorite go and opt for a healthier homemade version. This way you know what you are putting in their bodies. Jessica Seinfeld, has a recipe that sneaks in butternut squash and cauliflower puree.
  5.  Fruit Snacks. Not a snack, just candy. These little gummies are also full of sugar. Opt for dried fruit if you want to give the kiddos a chewy healthy snack.
  6.  Canned Tuna. No tuna is not all bad. It does provide vitamins and minerals, but, it should be eaten sparingly. The mercury content in tuna can be high, and if eaten everyday this can be damaging to young nervous systems.  
  7.  Granola Bars. These too are full of sugar. What is important is to be vigilant and read the ingredients. There are healthier versions out there. 
  8.  Sports Drinks. Unless your child is involved in some intense hour long workout, there is no need to give them a sugary sports drink. Give them water instead.
  9.  Flash-Fried Frozen Foods. When something is flash-fried, it is done so to make the batter stick. This keeps the fat and calorie content very high. Not to mention that because these foods are processed they are full of sodium and preservatives. Yes, healthier versions are being produced, but if you must serve them to your kids, do so sparingly.
  10.  Raw Milk. Milk that hasn't been pasteurized can cause food borne illnesses. This is another case where children's immune systems are not as developed and cannot combat potential threats as well as adult immune systems.

There are always healthier alternatives out there. The web offers a plethora of easy alternatives that will make both you and your children happy. The important thing is that you are teaching them to make healthy choices. Keep their bodies healthy and you will keep them moving. Remember, a body in motion . . . stays in motion! 

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