The thought of facing an entire summer without a plan is sure to make any mom quiver in her flipflops. But, this is New York City and the world is our oyster. I can surely fill their days with plenty of education, movement, and Italian ices.
Mission 1, Day 1: Italian Ice!
An Italian Ice is not a snow cone. Although it does have some similarities. Italian ice is made in a similar process to ice cream. The ingredients are mixed together and frozen like ice cream. It is similar to sorbet. Italian ice does not have any eggs or dairy which makes it a great treat for kiddos with allergies or sensitivities to dairy.
The history of this delightful desert is not exactly clear. The Arabs, Sicilians, Europeans, Turkish, Chinese, French, and Spanish all claim to be the creators. They are all probably right in some shape or form. Each may have developed it in their own country, sadly we will never know who we can actually give the gold star to. What we do know is that it is an international dessert, enjoyed the world over. The classic ingredients remain the same, however, flavors and textures differ.
The Italian ice can offer more than just sweet relief. It has also been used to cleanse the palate between meals. The most popular use for the Italian ice is simple, it just cools you off on those hot summer days.
Our Favorite Place
So, tomorrow on the last day of school it will be a balmy 79 degrees. We will surely spend the afternoon in our local park, it is my plan to get the kids moving and walk over to our favorite local ice spot Pesso's. The menu is extensive and always changing and they offer a frequent buyer punch card.
Although I am sure we will make several pilgrimages to our favorite spot this summer, we will also be attempting to make our own. The combinations are endless and it really is easy. This will give my kiddos a new appreciation for their own talents and creativity. I have included this "e-how" video that gives a simple recipe for a delicious dessert. What is great about creating your own dessert is that you control what goes in. You can adjust the amount of sugar that is added, or opt for sugar free juice concentrate. Let your kids have some creative freedom this summer and see what they come up with.
Once the ice's have been eaten, get them back outside to enjoy the summer.